Well the organizing is almost complete. A big thanks to my good friend Jo Jo who came over to help . . .we got a wee bit accomplished but I do admit that we both got sidetracked! A little more sanding and some paint on the last wall and it will be done!
So the weather is still cool in this neck of the woods and there is still mountains of snow in the yard but I know that Spring has got to be coming soon! So tonight I thought I would pull out the very large stack of Graphic 45's Once Upon A Springtime that I have been hoarding away and start to create something with it! FINALLY!!! Well I am in the process of doing some very fine cutting and have hatched a plan to alter a small binder to keep notes, poems etc that my youngest daughter has written. Now all of this is stemming from a "diva moment" that she had (we have lots of those around here!) So my plan is to start to tuck away these little notes and memos and keep them until she is much older. . . maybe even until she has children of her own that are causing her to have those "oh god moments"!
Happy Scrappin'!
Congrats on the blog. Looks great. Love the addition of the photos of classes. Very cool.